How To Deal An Interview
- An Interview is a two way communication between the parties.
- It is one of the most Interesting & Challenging aspect of a Job Search.
Salient Features
- In about half an hour’s time, you have to convince the recruiter on your
- key skills
- strengths
- experiences
- how you can be useful to the organization.
- about yourself.
Your ability to answer these questions within the available time will help the employer assess your employability and suitability to the organization.
How To Crack Interview
The Mantra to come out successfully from an Interview is:
- Prepare
- Practice
- Perform
- Research about your company
Find out about the company’s
- Background
- Industry
- Culture
- News
- Competitors
- Website
- Social media
- Trends
- People
All of these are available on the Company’s Website these days.
- From the job description, analyse how suitable you are as a candidate
If the job description says it is desk job and you are a person passionate on the outbound details, be cautious. This might not be your chance.
- Be original with your CV
Please do not copy a random CV and try to make it yours. It will spoil all your chances. Put in some work, analyse all the positive things about you and present it in a way that would be useful for the interviewing firm.
- Prepare your Interview Folder
You should be familiar with whatever is mentioned in the CV. Read it thoroughly so that you’re not stumped by any questions regarding your past employment and education.
Make sure you have enough copies of resume and passport size photos. Take along the certificates, project reports, internship details and all relevant files of your achievements, both copy and original. In case there is an interview letter do not forget that.
- Brushing up General Knowledge
Grab a few days’ newspapers, available over net these days, know about the current affairs. Even in a purely technical interview this might prove useful. Always be aware of the interview date’s importance, if there are any.
- Remember there are no definite set of interview questions
- Questions and answers will vary with every individual,industry, job, designation and interviewer.
- No one would prefer asking the same questions or listening to the same answers.
- Tailor your answers to the demand of the situation
Though there are no definite set of questions, there are some common set of questions. If one prepares for them, half the job is done. You will be less tongue-tied and appear more confident if you are ready with the response.
Some commonly asked Questions:
- Introduce Yourself.
- That remarkable question, which if used well will leave your interviewer impressed, promising you a job, but if not will cost you a rough interview and lesser chances for the job.
Understand that he is indirectly asking you ,why do you think you are best suited to the job?
- Understand the importance of Self Introduction.
- It should be regarded as an opportunity for self recommendation. Use it wisely.
- Research thoroughly about the position you are applying for.
- List out your qualities such that it fits the position you are applying for.
- Do not exaggerate too much and do not lie.
General Information:“Hi, my name is George. I was born and brought up in Bangalore, the Garden City/ Silicon Valley. My father works for a government firm and my mother is a homemaker. I have one sister who is pursuing her graduation. I completed my post graduation in English from the University of Hyderabad and I have an experience of 3 years in the field of communication training. I have chosen to be a trainer as I love this field and the challenges it poses.
Include achievements and hobbies, Making yourself more acceptable:Coming to my hobbies, I like reading books as I like to keep myself updated with new things happening around and it also helps me in improving my knowledge. I like reading fiction very much. I also enjoy cooking because it requires a high level of skill and precision. I love to travel and see new places.
Strengths and Weaknesses in the best possible manner:My strengths are my confidence, hardworking nature and positive attitude. One instance where my strengths really came in handy was in my graduation. Mathematics was very tough and I could never get along with it. Everybody thought that I wouldn’t pass but I had confidence in myself that I would definitely pass. I worked hard and in the end, staying positive really showed results and I passed with good marks. My weakness is I am a perfectionist and I always strive to achieve perfection in whatever work that is given to me.
Conclude Well : Well, that’s all I’ve say about myself as of now and thank you for giving me this opportunity. It was a pleasure talking to you.”
- What do you know about our organization?
- Research on the company background.
- Make sure that you know about their products, services and important people in the organization.
- Your answer to this question will show that you are interested in the job and have done your homework
- You may comment on:
- the company’s position in the market,
- any awards or ranks it may have achieved in the latest survey ,
- the work environment it offers.
- What are your key strengths?
- If you have already mentioned this in self introduction, you should concentrate more on eligibilities required for the post.
- Research around the profile you are being interviewed for.
- List the skills and key strengths required to perform the job efficiently and then identify how your strong points map to the required job skills.
- Talk about at least three points that you think are the most important.
- What are your weaknesses?:
- This is a Googlie!!!
- Be Careful while dealing with this!!!
- Do not talk about more than one or two weak points.
- Make your weakness sound like your Positive.
- For example, tell them that you are an impatient person when it comes to winding up work, so when you see a person not being able to complete work on time, you decide to complete it yourself.
- For instance, completing deadlines within the pre fixed time is a priority for you but others might not be able to work at your pace. Therefore, you are forced to break goals into smaller ones and dedicate time to other team members to assist them and direct them to bring results.
- Another example could be your eye for even minute details. The process is time consuming and may result in you sometimes having to put in extra hours to get a project done.
- Why should we hire you?
- You may say something like: You should be associated with the company because you will bring your experience and knowledgewhich will prove beneficial for the company.
- Your presence will guarantee fresh ideas to the companywhich is positive in the long run.
- Where do you see yourself in ten years?
- He just wants to know “ how stable you are “.
- So you could say, In ten years time, you will refine your skills and gain new knowledge to handle a more responsible position in future.
- You will make continuous efforts in these years to prove your worth.
- In the end, delivering responsibilities to the best of your abilities will be your goal.
- How do you deal with criticism?
- You believe in constructive criticism which will help you in future.
- You always try to see the positive side of criticism and work on it.
- However, when criticism is proven baseless then you handle it maturely and bring a stop to it.
Understand that you can’t be prepared for all questions as there will be some googlies and bouncers hurled at you. You just have to be truthful and Positive with them.
- Practice to relax
- Only a calm mind gives the best result.
- Try learning breathing exercises.
- Practice in front of a mirror, in front of your friends or family
- Get the feedback. Learn from your mistakes.
- Get yourself a formal dressing.
- Boys:
- Clean face ,nails
- Clean, light coloured shirt and pants
- Neat Hair
- Girls:
- Clean face ,nails
- Clean, light coloured Salwar set
- Neat hair
Always focus on the importance of the Interview
- Get a good night sleep before the interview.
- Never eat late or have an extra drink the night before the interview as that might leave you with a hangover.
- Never leave the preparation planning for the last minute.
- All the certificates and resume should be filed beforehand.
- An interview is not an interrogation.
- Cold sweaty hands, a fast beating heart and a blank mind are the most common symptoms of a nervous candidate.
- The interviewer is just doing his job and has not been appointed to take your case?
- Understand that there is no reason to feel scared, as the key to a successful interview lies with you.
- Not utilising the opportunity will lead to failure, but you will learn from your experience and do better next time.
- Therefore, there is nothing to lose.
- Appearance:
- Brush up hair, clean your face & make sure you look smart.
- Dress appropriately.
- Exhibit good grooming.
- Be on time:
- Know the exact time and place of the interview before hand.
- Travelling to the interview can be stressful, especially if you’ve to commute a long distance.
- Plan as per your schedule and convenience.
- Remember, arriving late for whatever reason is totally inexcusable.
- Act confident:
- Even if you don’t feel confident, act as one emanating confidence.
- Your body language should be accurate and you should be making a positive impact during the interview.
- Sit straight on the chair and look into the eyes of the interviewer.
- Remember, you’ve nothing to lose and go with that mind-set. This causes less palpable stress.
Body Language
- Eyes:
- A proper eye contact during a conversation shows your confidence and tells the interviewer that you are interested.
- Lack of proper eye contact is a clear sign of lack of confidence.
- But do not overdo it; it may look like aggressiveness to the recruiter.
- Facial expressions:
- Do not distort your face to show discomfort. It indicates disrespect and arrogance.
- Do not look overly happy or sad.
- Maintain a firm expression that shows interest, professionalism and confidence.
- Similarly, do not bite your lips or twist them to sides. This shows that you either lack confidence or are hiding something.
- Arms:
- The way you position your arms speaks a lot about your receptiveness.
- Arms crossed or folded over your chest say that you have shut off other people or are not interested or disagree with what the others have to say.
- This can surely create negatives ripples in the interviewer’s mind.
- Try and keep your hands on the side. This makes you look relaxed, confident and open for communication.
- Posture:
- A slump posture tells the interviewer that you are tired and have no energy.
- Surely, no one will want to hire a person who looks tired on the interview day itself.
- Sit or stand erect and maintain a calm posture.
- It helps in establishing you as an alert and enthusiastic person in the recruiter’s mind.
- Similarly leaning slightly towards the speaker makes you look genuinely interested in the conversation.
- Legs:
- A lot of leg movement indicates nervousness.
- Similarly, placing one leg or ankle over the other knee shows arrogance.
- Keep your feet firmly placed on the floor. This shows confidence and respect for the other party
- Wear your Smile
Getting in to the interview Room
- Do not smoke while waiting for an interview.
- Turn off your mobile phone, i-pod etc,
- Knock on the door and listen carefully.
- Enter when he asks you to.
- When inside greet the interviewers.
- Try to catch the interviewers’ names.
- Give your interviewer a firm handshake. A powerful handshake and a genuine smile will get you off to a good start.
Taking your Seat
- Take your seat only when they say.
- If they start off with questions, ask them if you may sit .
During the Interview
- Build rapport – use powerful, effective communication techniques.
- Be a good listener. Answer only what’s asked, in a brief but effective manner.
- Do not answer in an ‘yes’ or ‘no’ type manner.
Listen carefully and answer the questions. If you are not clear with their questions ask another time and clarify it.
- Show enthusiasm and sincere interest.
- Control your nervous habits.
- Don’t act desperate.
- Communicate your skills, qualifications, credentials and the benefits you offer.
- Demonstrate your accomplishments; how you improve sales, reduce costs, improve productivity, solve organizational problems, etc.
- Make eye contact. It demonstrates confidence, trust, and power.
Your turn to ask Questions
- You can ask relevant questions about your job nature.
- You can ask about your training session.
- Avoid discussing about politics, salary, bonuses etc
Closing the Interview
- Make sure to wish all the panels while you enter or leave the interview.
- Get up only when you are sure it has been concluded.
- Put back the chair in position.
After the Interview
- Even if you are selected or not, Send a Thank you note to the Company.
- If you can send to the HR , the better.
- If you are not selected, send your resume and a letter to the HR saying you enjoyed the session and would like to apply again if any positions arise.